Monday, December 1, 2008

Creating histories ....

I was so busy the past 2 weeks - marking the exam scripts...Come to think of it, I only had a day off before I started with my marking. A few weeks before that I was marking tonnes of assignments (and who says lecturer had an easy life! *sigh*)

The end of semester is always a stressful time for us at the faculty. We were issued datelines after datelines. datelines for submitting grades, the next dateline if you missed the first datelines and so on ...This semester, for the first time since joining the faculty, I had FAILED to submit my grades on time. I created history (yeah!)...they must be joking if they think i can submit on time considering i had 159 students for one class (each have to answer 3 essay questions - out of 5 questions) and another 45 students for my shared courses (which I only have to mark 44 scripts). You do the maths...compared to those who only have 50 students and only teaching one course, i am doing a lot of work...and even have to stay up late in order to catch the datelines. Not to mentioned losing my weekends, missing lunches and missing quality time with Airell. The most irritating thing is that we (the slow markers!) were reminded time and time again ...and that really irritates me!

Anyway, I am done now. Yesterday (Sunday) I was at the office keying in my marks. I found out that 22% of the students failed my paper. And this is again, a new record for me! And not only that, my shared course with Lina also showed a very high failure rate - nearly half of the students failed that paper. 44.5% is a very high numbers (and another new record!) Looks like I might be running for the "killer lecturer" award this semester ...*sigh sigh sigh*


fendifid said...

- What factors contributed to the low passing rate?
- Was the subjects and exams too difficult?
- Was the subject or the lecturer bored the student? till they have no zeal to study?
- Were the students too lethargic? Always expect lecturer to spoon feed them
- Were the students obtuse? The lecturer and the rest of world are just wasting their time for these dense students?

Deep in my heart...Bravo to those who passed the exams and made their parents, lecturers and everyone proud. You would be exultant.

Ejin said...

Amboi Fend! The exam questions were very straightforward but they failed to understand the concept...and failed to link the answers. Jawap sepatah dua je can i give more marks if they only answer 2-3 paragraphs for a 25-mark essay??

i think the students nowadays are very different from our time. We had fun but we still study macam org giler, right?

fendifid said...

Perhaps..for those imperceptive yet indolent type of students..let's the world save them. Because Allah takkan merobah nasi seseorang itu kecuali orang itu berusaha merobah nasibnye sendiri.

But for those yang assiduous, course works and tutorial should help them to boost up the marks.

Liz Duan said...

amboi...aku kena buka dictionary nak paham comment fendi...teruja aku mengalah kan lecturer...mane tah dapat words bombastic mcm tu..kah..kah...
conclusion nya...posting ejin aku paham tapi comment ni terserlah sgt ...aku dok paham....
dia punya usrah on second comment pun..."merObah" god...aku tahu lagu Gee Latif...kau yg merUbah segalanya...sekian tima kasih

haha said...

Student score kalau bab hafal menghafal ni. Tapi kalau dah suruh comment, which requires them to do extra reading, something yang takde dalam lecture notes ~ they crash and burn.
Today a student informed me that she couldn't register for our e-learning website, thus she failed to participate in the assigned forum which was due a week ago. Plus, she expected me to empathize with her. My respond? "Bye bye" as the forum was opened for two weeks! Bertuah! U are right, Gina. Kita dulu main, main jugak tapi studi mcm nak rak!