Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fishing ...for kids

I got Al and adik a set of fishing rod, complete with 6 fishes each ...the one with magnet on its tip, it was their favourite for a while, till Al went fishing with Daddy to a real fish pond!

he is excited if he caught something!

one thing about fishing is that it is testing your patience ...the same goes to this fake fishes ...I noticed that Al dont have the patience when his fishes dont get stuck to the magnets ...Adik is even worst, he tried a couple of time and when he failed to get any fish, he gave up and ask dad to do it for him! Perhaps, we can use these kinds of games and toys to teach the kids how to be patience and not giving up :-)

Al also took the fishes and the rod when he went for a shower now, the bath time is getting longer!

Parenting tips: (i) do not let the kids playing alone in the bathroom ..never ever leave them unsupervised
and (ii) choose a toy or game that can teach them something ...that'll be more creative and fun have lots of imagination!


fendifid said...

i hate fishing.

Ejin said...

Hehehe ...i like fishing, but not all the time. Kena tengok mood and keadaan ...