Thursday, January 10, 2013

a week into 2013

my first posting for 2013 ...a week and a half into the new year usual my days are filled with chores - both at work and at home is the exam season at work, so i am up to my neck in marking and exam invigilation duties, not really have idle time to do a posting, here's a quick posting on how i am faring in the new year:

feel so good that I am finally sorted in terms of my documents for PhD: visa sorted before Christmas, tiket bought and confirmed, supervisor has been notified of my arrival, accommodation paid for throughout this summer holiday, my leave from this uni has been sorted, all agreement and documentation signed and returned to relevant units, all is well - so far so good, so lets all keep your fingers crossed for me :-)

another great news - ticket to KL for this weekend was bought - so I will be meeting my besties in KL for our ronggeng is something that we have been looking forward to ..and this will be the very first time the whole gang will be there ...our first reunion in Bandung was incomplete coz Ita wasn't there ...and subsequent meetings were never complete :-) so, here's to a great weekend of makan makan and gosip gossip with the gang ....and it is only 2 days away! here's my wishlist for the weekend - nasi dagang, lompat tikam, murtabak, tomyam ...and of course the seafood meals and, if the time permits, lunch at Chillies - i want the molten lava cake!!!

the not so great news is that I have tonnes of marking to be done by 18th Jan ...and that is a very short time span ...i can feel that i will be burning midnight oil in order to meet the dateline ....and that could trigger my asthma ....-which is not something that I am looking forward i am taking extra precaution - no iced drinks, no carbonated drinks, less caffeine ..and to try to reduce anxiety ....

plus I am feeling sad ...i will be leaving my comfort zone, and somehow the nearer the time, the less excited I become ...i must get a grip coz once i am there, there is no turning back ..and it is not an easy journey ...and I am praying that things will go smoothly for me ...

ok, enough of the rambling - back to marking now!

Happy New Year 2013 everybody, wherever you are. Have a blessed year ahead ...


fendifid said...

Dekat tapi jauh...ha ha ha.
semakin dekat the date...semakin jauh nko nak push...ha ha ha

banyaknya wish lish...within 2 days...boleh ke layan semua? la la la la.

Ejin said...

hahahaha nasi dagang jer tak dapat :-(