Friday, January 14, 2011

new wellies

My brother bought a pair of wellies for Al ...his plan was to encourage Al to explore etc etc during our Xmas trip to the cottage in Dec ...

but, adik was the one who was keenly interested in the blue wellies ...hehehe and it matched his PJs ...isn't he just adorable!!! I remembered, when we were little, we also had similar pairs like this ....and we used to run around happily around my grandfather's pepper plantation ...

he just love to do the peace sign whenever he is in front of a camera!

Al did use his wellies after all ...he spent a morning fishing with his dad dad said kids should be encouraged to explore ...otherwise they will not want to do these stuff when they are older (and I sort of heard the unspoken part - like his mama Gina - at the end of that sentence!) ...hahahaha


fendifid said...

Ha ha ha...should buy one for you.

Ejin said...

hahahaha ...aku ada, but mine is a winter boots yang knee length tu ...sangat2 tak sesuai utk pi kebun, but very very sesuai utk jalan2 kat Europe!

Liz Duan said...

suka sangat wellies ni, kalau kat mothercare macam2 gambar ada tapi harga tu yg malas akak tengok...hari tu adib nak tapi dgn harga and bukan sesuai utk jalan2 so buat dunno aje

Ejin said...

ya lah, kalau harga mahal harus kena pakai selalu - baru berbaloi ...kalau setakat suka2 tak yah lah beli, korang pun bukan nyer pi sawah kan hahahaha ....kitorang beli utk kegunaan Al kat kebun ...