Sunday, November 15, 2009

a little trip and fall ...

Al had a little accident a while back ...i did plan to do a posting on that but completely forgotten about it until i saw this pic in my camera ...yet to be downloaded! and that was a picture from last month about disorganized ...

anyway, this was the result of his little trip and fall ...he was being extra naughty that day ..climbing, running and shouting ...just like Attilla the Hun in his fav film (Night at the Musuem) ..that night he climbed on my dad leg ..but slipped and fell wasn't that bad coz he fell near a mattress ...but still spot this wonderful bruise on his  forehead ...the red lines are the result of falling on top of our rattan mat ...he was crying, but only for a minute or so, i guess it was not that bad, incidents like this are normal for kids his age - that's what i am told anyway ....the good thing, the kid is resilient coz he started to do the exact same that cause him to fall right after he finished that milk bottle ...aaaahhh the wonder of being a kid! Bless ...


Liz Duan said...

al cian nya...make sure sapu minyak heals in no time!

Ejin said...

tu lah ..sian dia! tapi sket ajer tu ...dia dah start nak memanjat lah, berlari2 lah ..semua yang berpotensi utk menyebabkan dia jatuh ...