Thursday, December 3, 2009

Balik kampung trip

Last month we took both Al and Airell for a trip back to our village is the first trip like this since Al stayed with me. It was kind of a last minute thing - dad's cousin is not well and we decided to bring the kids to visit her. She is quite old and rather poorly. So, we visited our long house...

Anyway, Al had a great time...he was running around happily ..i guess he was happy with the spacious ruai (common varandah) and experiencing new things. A boy who used to live in a high-rise apartment in Kuala Lumpur suddenly found himself a very spacious ruai of a long house in Sarawak ..

Adik, on the other hand, was cranky ...the reason: it was hot and humid, and he was sweating ...he was calmer once we took off his t-shirt and changed it with a loose top ...

if only my grandparents were still alive to see them ..and to see how we - my parents and my siblings - are right now...Dad was commenting on how proud my late grandfather (dad's father) would have been to see who we have become ...he was very proud of us (me and my siblings) before and used to show off our drawings (my kindergarten drawings!) etc to his fellow neighbours and relatives ...sadly he died when I was only 11 years old ..i still remembered him ..i was the eldest grandchild and very pampered by him. Am sure he would be proud of us, and i am sure Al and adik would make my parents proud too one day ...


fendifid said...

cam best je tengok rumah panjang tu. very spacious

Ejin said...

tu common area kat luar private domain masing2 ...panjang and spacious, kalau ada kenduri baru luar nie dihias ...mcm gambar aku bagi kat posting aku dulu ..

Liz Duan said...

ye lah sesuai utk majlis ramah mesra