Sunday, December 20, 2009

Instilling a reading habit

i read in parenting books (yes, i do read something other than my favourite paperbacks!) that a child should be expose to certain habits to encourage their development. One of those activities is reading. Parents are advised to read to their babies and toddlers to encourage language development. And it is also advisable for the youngsters to be exposed to books - especially picture books at the early age - to enhance their vocabulary ...

In our case, we use flashcards to attract Al's and adik's attention. Flashcards are colourful - and convenient to use. Child at that age has very short attention span - so using something colourful can help them memorise. I often use the flashcards to show Al's the household stuffs like car, fan, torch light and so on ...he can catch up better when he saw the flashcard and the actual stuffs ...

We also buy books for the kids. Dad encourages us to buy books for them, in addition to other stuffs, for their birthday and special treats choose picture books with colourful pictures, and limited text ...again, depends on the age of the youngster ...i also choose books that is light ...easy for them to hold without having the books fall on their noses!

Nowadays, Al and adik sometimes play ( they can't read yet!)with their books - sometimes first thing that they do in the morning ...and even before they go to bed ...

I think it is important to instil this habit - especially at this age (like Al's) where the toddlers are at the stage where they tend to imitate the adults' activity - might as well teach them that reading is fun!


Liz Duan said...

this is good habit yg mmg patut instill from very early.....aku fail kat sini...he..he..he....

Ejin said...

hehehehe aku suka baca buku..and the boys, especially Al akan ikut aku ...dia buat2 baca buku sebab nak duduk sebelah aku...tapi we always make a point bagi hadiah buku kat both of them...