Saturday, April 3, 2010


This is another posting basi (too old for words hahah) ..two days before I flew to Penang I had to invigilate a paper at the uni ..and it was a SATURDAY ....what to do, it is part of my job :-) the exam was ok ..the students finished very early - and that also made us go home earlier than scheduled ...(photo below: Bemen in the exam hall)

The original plan was to go bowling - but the bowling centre was closed. So, I went shopping instead hahahaha ...i was looking for a new casual shoes and a backpack for my laptop ...i had one before but my brother persuaded me to give that backpack to him, now i had to buy a new one for myself, the first destination was the luggage shop ...i forgot the name of the shop is in Sarawak Plaza ...

lots of luggages and at discounted price as well! But i was focused ...only had my eyes on the laptop bag/backpack

the one that I chose was & black ... reason: colours are nice, and had enough storage for all my stuffs!

Then, off to Hush Puppies for the shoes ...originally I wanted to get a NIKE casual, sport shoes ...but I did not find the one that I like ...then when Tijot and I went to Hush Puppies, this shoes was calling out my name!

I, who could never resist a temptation, bought this hahahaha was a fun outing. I found out that Tijot has similar interest and love for shoes as me!!!! See, how happy she was trying on the shoes while waiting for me to pay for mine ...

and the look of a satisfied shopper!!!!


fendifid said...

Fuh....sib baik Fid tak join nko...haha ha. Tak menang tangan nak pegang shopping bags.

Ejin said...

kah kah kah ...ini kah masalah adik beradik ..semua ada penyakit shopping!

Liz Duan said...

shopping is the best lah...dapat cc statement pengsan jap...pas tu shop lagi:)

Ejin said...

very true...tengok statement terus berazam nak kurangkan spending ...tapi next month buat lagi ...penyakit betul la ...