Thursday, February 11, 2010

Visiting Aki Uban @ Stampin

Last Saturday we went to Stampin to visit my uncle (whom my nephews call Aki Uban - his grey/white hair is more predominant than his black hair!). My aunty has been unwell - and was admitted to hospital twice. We didn't know about that until after she was released from hospital ..hence, the visit last saturday...

Al was facinated when he entered aki uban's house ... i guess he was taking it all in ...the differences in decor and layout from ours (i think)...but most of all, he was completely enthralled by the kaloi fish ...spent most of the time watching the kaloi ...hehehe...

and adik, on the other hand, just showed his handsome face before bursting into tears when we arrived ..and less than 5 minutes, was safely asleep! untill it was time for us to go home ... And Al, also ran around quite freely there if he was in our own home ..and my uncle (who loves kids and haven't got any grandkid of his own) happily induldged Al and his antics ...

He was tired when we left fact was he was asleep during the ride home ...aaahhhh bless....


Liz Duan said...

ikan kaloi kite dah arwah...tanam bawah pokok sekarang pokok tu sekali mati...

Ejin said...

ooo aku ingatkan ngko nak kata pokok tu hidup subur and ada buaian mcm citer bawang putih bawang merah ...hehehe ikan my uncle ini toothless, sebab dah tua...takde gigi dah!

Liz Duan said...

amboi sakan kau belek gigi ikan

fendifid said...

ish...pembunuh ikan.

Ejin said...

aunty aku yang citer ikan tu toothless ...dulu katanya makan kacang panjang, tapi now makan fish food ajer sebab takde gigi ...then bila aku tengok, mmg takde gigi ...