Thursday, May 21, 2009

New routine ...

Since we got the stroller for Airell, we got a new routine. If i get back from work at the normal time (and not my usual 7 or 7.30pm), i would take him out for a stroll round our housing area...just to get out from the house, to get fresh air ...and mum would accompany us!

and weewyn also accompany us one day ....

This is so much better than coming back to an empty house always looking forward to go for a walk etc after work, instead of doing more work at home!


Liz Duan said...

rajin lah engkau ni.....tapi nampak serounding tu ok utk berlegar mine pun ok tapi kalau fend kena cari kawasan baru as suggested by misha...he..he..he..

Ejin said...

kawasan aku nie kan kawasan baru ...tak ramai org and tak byk keta lalu lalang ...selamat le nak stroll waktu petang ...aku kan aunty mithali hehehehe

fendifid said...

kat kl ni kalau dah jammed tu...terus masuk umah mandi, makan pastu tidur. takde maknenya nak pi pusing pusing taman.