what it looks like
It is also known as Solanum ferox ...and has a bright orange colour ...sizes vary and its prices also vary. For example, one can get 3-4 of these for RM2-3 back in Sri Aman or small villages ...or around RM5 a kilogramme ....but in Kuching, it is more expensive...in 7th Mile, for instance, the sellers often sold it at RM8-10 a kilogram ...
my sister loves this, and often asked me to bring some to her everytime I go to KL ...i, on the other hand, do not really like this ...it has a sourish taste ...often used in hot and sour fish soup dish (using terung asam instead of tamarind juice or tomato) ...and the most common dish, or rather the most popular Dayak dish is terung asam with salai ikan (dried fish) ..its sourish tang is rather refreshing ...hehehe even though I only drank the soup and not eat the terung itself ...
There are quite a few recipes using this ingredients available on the web ...if you are interested :-)
kaus ebut masam tu aku dah rasa dlm mulut...i cant stand benda masam masam ni...
hehehehe ....masam le best ..like asamboi, kedondong, jeruk etc etc ...
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