Monday, January 11, 2010

Life in Riyadh

As you all know, my sister in law, Jane a.k.a Al's and Airell's mummy is currently living and working in Riyadh. She gave me permissions to use these photos for the blog - coz I was curious to see what Riyadh looks like ...but these pictures are mostly taken in the grounds/ compound of the hospital that Jane works in ..bearing in mind that females are not really free to move around ..I found out that females are not even allow to drive in that part of the world! But Jane said they are free to move within the compound ..and dont have to wear the abbayah if they are within the hospital compound...

apparently these are one of the houses there ...not sure if it's my SIL's home away from home though ...but they have the same architectural style i.e. flat roof!

 and there are a lot of facilities within the compound for the staffs ....

And a pic of a brightly lit family restaurant ...i am guessing that this is outside of the compund as Jane and her friends were wearing abbayah when they were here ...


But again, life in Riyadh means lots of desert ...just sand as far as the eyes can see?

and what looks like a really hot weather ....

Jane told me that she cannot take proper pictures coz the people there are very particular and do not like to have their photographs taken ...or that of their surrounding? most of the pictures are taken when Jane is in a bus or any other vehicle ...

and one really cheap thing in Riyadh is petrol! It only costs 0.25 riyal ...which is about 20 sen our money! and how much are we paying here???!!! if only jane can send us petrol via the postal service, i would really be able to save my petrol money ...hehehe ...

well, that's all folks ...a glimpse of Riyadh ...


fendifid said...

looks like boringkan.

Ejin said...

yea lah ...nampak cam panas sangat ...

Liz Duan said...

nanti kite gi sama sama sana ok!