Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year, New Looks ... New Beginnings

 I changed my blog's layout!!! I am using the images of flowers - which imply freshness and very easy on the eyes (to me anyway). Felt that I need the change and the timing is just perfect - to commemorate the start of a new year - and a new beginning. I am still searching for rainbows - but different rainbows now. Different possibilities and opportunities that are out there. It is time for me to seriously think about improving myself- career wise. My new motto - less talk, more actions - less complaining, more of head down and just plough through to get to the rainbow...hehehe i am a talkative person, but you know what I mean!

But that aside,  I intend to live life to the fullest. To enjoy myself, to spend quality time with friends and families, who have always been there for me take time out every so often from the heavy schedule at work - to just relax, chill and re-energise myself. Something which I neglected in the past years! Work will always be there - but sometime you just have to stop, once in a while to smell the roses...(not literally of course!)

and that, my dear friends, are my pledge for 2010

P/S see, I am not mentioning about aiming to reduce my shopping sprees COZ I KNOW i couldn't stop myself!!! LOL


Liz Duan said...

cun...tahun ni our colour scheme is BLUE.....refreshing

fendifid said...

yes....start with making the caramel pudding cepat and postingnya. jgn haus haus

Ejin said...

hahahaha ..tak abs2 lagi reminder pudding caramel rupa nya ...baik angah, akan diusahakan nanti!