Friday, January 15, 2010

mess ...mess and more mess @ home

I woke up one morning last week, and this was the scene that greeted me downstair ...

Adik was already up and  busy playing ..and he was playing not with one toy but a whole lot of toys ...his mickey mouse was there well as his singing Barney, the fire engine that can make a really loud noise...his book, and his yellow tractor ..that's just a part of the mess ...he was mad when I put a few things away into the blue laundry basket behind him ..and proceeded to spill everything onto the floor just as quick as I was attempting to clear the mess ...clearly a Catch 22 situation ....

I was told (and I also read it somewhere) that we should encourage baby to play with toys of different shapes, textures and so so ...this is to help their co-ordination and cognition ...i find that since Airell is more mobile - with his crawling, sitting and balancing skills - he is more active ...loves to explore the toys ...but sometime, it gets out of hand! meaning...too messy ...hence: Catch 22 situation ...


Liz Duan said...

Dari kecik ni ajar after main kemas, kalau dah biasa they will understand the chores, main main main then kemas. Along the way tu kena marah sikit lah he..he..he..

Ejin said...

bagi tips sket to ajar? aku tengok bila aku kemas, diorang sepah tak work lah aku punya ajaran tu ...

fendifid said...

kemas sama sama dengan diorang la masa mula mula tu...pastu force them to kemas.
susah susah...jerittttt. he he he

Ejin said...

hahahaha ...jerit??? kang biler aku jerit, diorang lari kat bapak aku, yang then akan sesenang override decision aku huhuhu