Sunday, January 10, 2010

newly acquired skill

I had a great shock one day (just after Xmas, if I am not mistaken) when I saw my sister climbing our rambutan tree! Hehehe she had no choice but to climb that particular tree coz most of the fruits (yellow rambutans) are the ones on the top branches ...

and she did us all a favour, by picking rambutans for us that day ...

while I just toured around the orchard ..taking photos ...hehehehe ...and I saw these cempedak trees ...lots of fruits but it is still not ripe yet ...I can almost taste my mom's cucur cempedak/ cempedak goreng...

so, now that rambutan and durian season has come to an end ..we are still waiting for cempedak, rambai, uchong, and a few other fruits that, according to my dad, are often at the end of the fruit season ...


fendifid said...

what is uchong?

Ejin said...

uchong is a fruit ..namti kalau dah musim nya, i'll buat posting. Aku tak reti nak describe kat ngko ...